The EV1000 clinical platform from Edwards Lifesciences presents the physiologic status of the patient in an intuitive and meaningful way. Designed in collaboration with and validated by clinicians, the EV1000 clinical platform offers you scalability and adaptability for both the OR and ICU.
The EV1000 clinical platform enables you to choose the parameters needed to monitor your patients and may be used with a variety of Edwards advanced hemodynamic monitoring tools for an integrated Edwards Critical Care System.
The platform may be used with the Edwards advanced hemodynamic monitoring portfolio including the ClearSight finger cuff, FloTrac sensor, Edwards’s oximetry central venous catheter and PediaSat oximetry catheters and VolumeView set.
Based on the complexity of each procedure, and patient risk factors, choose your preferred dynamic and flow-based parameters and the appropriate Edwards' hemodynamic monitoring solution to suit your clinical approach and your moderate to high-risk surgical patients’ needs.